Android app development
Web development using HTML, CSS, PHP, JavaScript, WordPress, Bootstrap
Web hosting with CloudFlare CDN and branded email
Android app development
Web development using HTML, CSS, PHP, JavaScript, WordPress, Bootstrap
Web hosting with CloudFlare CDN and branded email
I’m Erik Reinecke, an Android app and web developer.
I have previous experience as an IT Consultant, Enterprise IT Manager, Project Manager, Hardware Design Engineer, Analytical Chemist, Mass Spectroscopist and small businessman.
I consider myself a digital artisan, with broad experience in coding, system administration, project management, photography, digital graphics, technical writing, sound editing and more. A news junkie and pathological generalist, I’m relentlessly interested in everything. Lots more details in my résumé.
I have also been, at times, a restaurateur, opera singer, stage dad, emergency room volunteer & more.
Currently living in and working from Pátzcuaro, Michoacán, México.
EatSafe is an Android app, currently in alpha, aimed at travelers with dietary restrictions that need help understanding ingredient lists in foreign languages. Based on the Open Food Facts API (, EatSafe will allow a user to scan a product’s barcode and get all available nutritional information.
The AirShepherd Initiative uses drone technology to prevent poaching of elephants and rhinos in southern Africa.
Albert Coffee Archaeotours is the #1 tour operator in San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato.
Taste of San Miguel, Vallarta Food Tours and Denver Food Tours both define and dominate the food tour scene in their market.
I was a Hardware Design Engineer and Mass Spectroscopist for HP’s Scientific Instruments Division, with many contributions to the HP 1100 LC/MSD benchtop mass spectrometer.
For more views of me:
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The best way to reach me is via email to:
[wp-svg-icons icon=”mail-3″ wrap=”i”]
Messages via Facebook, Twitter or the like will be checked infrequently.
Most often found at:
[wp-svg-icons icon=”location” wrap=”i”] Dr. Coss 51
Centro 61600
Pátzcuaro, Michoacán, México
[wp-svg-icons icon=”phone” wrap=”i”] +1 415 777 1137 US mobile
[wp-svg-icons icon=”phone” wrap=”i”] +52 415 111 8834 Mex móvil